Saturday, April 20, 2013

Solving inter-ethnic issues - Challenge for countries, opportunity for minorities!

The world’s nations gathered in Ljubljana on Thursday this week, April 18th, to address the challenges that are in front of us - forced migrations, inter-ethnic conflict involving minorities and Security Council reform. 

While addressing one of this year’s themes, “inter-ethnic conflict involving minorities”, delegates considered a wide range of concerns, from violation of minorities rights, discrimination of minorities, underprivileged status of minorities in society, colonization and intolerance to most extreme phenomena - ethnic cleansing. As we know homogenous countries are more exception than the rule. Traditional nation state, which is focused only on the protection of their national citizens in not sufficient to the needs of the heterogeneous international community.

 Many representatives weighed that the protection of minorities became the key element of contemporary international security, therefore the modern state must ensure the realization of the rights of its citizens without any discrimination. States of the world made decisions in order to make steps to prevent and avoid endemic violence that is caused in inter-ethnic conflict involving minorities. 


Algeria send the message that they will defend the rights of minorities and involve the principle of self determination of people. It was also stated that "the nations  unity and sovereignty shall be preserved."

Argentina started with the commitment that it is open to any proposition to tackle the issue of minorities. Continuing the delegate of Argentina said that this is a very difficult and complex problem. Since it is hard to create some universal  rule, each country should be examined individually case by case. Last but not least Argentina underlined that they believe in the promotion of the human rights, diversity, equality and non discrimination, which are at the same time values providing the best solution for this theme.

The representative of Australia at the first place stressed that Australia firmly believes in the protection of the human rights. She went on to note that it is important to understand the situation each country is currently facing when discussing issues regarding minorities. Turning to the case of Australia, minorities have the opportunity to enjoy their rights “and this practice needs to be translated all over the world”.
China firstly presented itself as an united multiethnic state with a long history. The delegate of China highlighted that “the state renders autonomy to its minorities under the unified leadership of the state.” In this respect, he said that they will not accept any resolution on matter of minorities, since they believe that this issue should stay under full jurisdiction of the state and that no external actor should interfere into the affairs of the other states.

Cuba noted that despite some progress in last decade, international community needs to put more effort on the status of indigenous people.

“The history of human rights over the last twenty years has been history of the most abused rights of minorities.” said the representative of Czech Republic. She continued with the fact that the violation and hate speech are one of the issues that ethnic groups faces.  She reminded us that person who belong to minorities has the right to participate in public, social, economic , religious and cultural life.  “Because of their status in society, our duty is to provide them safe and protect them.”

People of Egypt are homogenous population  said the delegate of Egypt. Her point was that their human rights are not matter of any discrimination, since there is a guarantee in the constitution of the Egypt which protects minorities. However she expresses that Egypt “empathize with those who suffer in conflicts.”

“Ethiopia is confident that it has come a long way on the way of democratization. Foundations for lasting peace and stability lie in diversity.” The cause of inter-ethnic conflicts in Africa are mainly caused by underdevelopment and poverty, which is why the representative of Ethiopia said: “it is urgent to address these causes to achieve the ambition of better coexistence of diverse ethnic groups.”

France recognized inter-ethnic conflicts as a serious threat to international security. Despite the fact that minorities are not recognized as such in the constitution of France, she said that France “will continue with their actions to promote liberty and equality”.

Respect of human rights is the core value of German society. Regarding minority issue, Germany committed itself saying following: “we don't want to make differences with a majority of population and minorities or other ethnic group in one way or another. However we do realize that violations are  really present and should be addressed immediately in order to find solution.”

“We should face all the issues as a family” – started the representative of India. She went on to note that “wherever there is diversity  issues may arise and those issues need to be overcome to reach a happy coexistence. We must keep in mind that the country reach in religious, cultural diversity is a country rich indeed.”

“Indonesia calls for mutual respect and understanding among people of different faiths"/.../ "Indonesia is very much concerned about the absence of multilaterally negotiated instrument containing normative standards that  can help defuse religious  radicalism and minority related difficulties.”

As ethnically diverse nation, Iran ethnic groups are treated equally as it is written in their constitution. “Therefore we strongly support the integration and development of ethnic minorities on all parts of the world.”/…/” we must not exclude minorities, but directly involve them and encourage them.” /…/”we must fully eradicate discrimination that is providing ethnic cleansing.” Rounding out his remarks he said that we must bring nations into equality and stop systematically targeting minorities.

At the first place Israel stressed that religious minorities there enjoy many rights in her country. Secondly the delegate of Israel said: “we understand that unsolved minority issues can cause problems to modern states, threatening their society and interstate security, but we have to say once more that we have a duty to protect our population. We have a duty to promote equality. “

Italy appealed to the international community to recognize  “the need, for states, majorities and minorities to cooperate and search for peaceful long-lasting and constructive solution of problems affecting minorities.”
There question of minorities is of great importance for Malaysia, as it is a country whose population is consisted of many ethnic groups. Malaysia recognized the need that states should grand the people belonging to different ethnic minorities the same rights as to their citizens. “In this spirit we would like to address the assembly to adopt the resolution which will have the instrument which will punish every other behavior.”

Mexico supports equality and is strongly against any discrimination act among different ethnic groups. For this purpose they proposed further initiatives to protect the rights of the indigenous population.
“Together with our African brothers we suffered colonial rule and slavery for centuries.“ But Nigeria now is a prosperous and the country spreading peace in the region, therefore they commit themselves to prevent the conflict of any nature.

“Minorities are enriching our land” said the delegate of South Korea. Additionally he pointed out that South Korea believe in non discrimination of minorities, promotion of their identity and right preserving their existence.

According to the representative of Russian Federation, Russia as very multicultural state is developing good conditions for all minority members.“Our constitution as well as international law ensure minority members with needed rights. At the same time we promote tolerance and prevention of inter-ethnic conflicts”  Furthermore she stressed that “It is even more important to prevent discrimination and xenophobia”. Latter was addressed to Baltic states which has taken the citizenship from many Russians so that they were not recognized as minority on this territory. Therefore Russia demands the same level of minorities rights in all states.

For Saudi Arabia the issue of minorities became more challenging since 2001. Her point was that Islam minorities became underprivileged all over the world so that “they can not live in accordance with Islam and Islam practices”. Therefore Saudi Arabia feel the need to protect people of Islam.

“Peace justice and stability call for the protection of all  including minority communities. We should keep in mind that democratic society based on tolerance between different communities is basis for effective conflict management and conflict prevention.” Was the message of the representative of South Africa.

Spain recognized inter-ethnic conflict involving minorities of a great importance for her country.  “We are aware of the suffering that these conflict cause, since we have experienced inter-ethnic tensions and terrorism.” “Spain is diverse country with several languages and different cultures  and we strongly promote peaceful magnet of minority issues based on respect of human rights and respect of civilization and culture diversity.  This will be our guidance on this year general assembly.”

Sweden noted that specifically intolerance and hate between ethnic groups lead into the inter-ethnic conflicts.Therefore for Sweden it is important that these groups could fully participate in public and political life.

“Dialog, cooperation and mutual respect.” – are of big importance for Turkey. Special place in Turkish society have minorities as “Turkey shows its compassion and love to Christians and Jews who were given to our trust by Allah”. At the same Time Turkey expects “the same level of repeat from other states” – “there should be no differences between national citizens and members of minorities.”

UK’s commitment is  to combat discrimination and all crimes regarding the minorities. The representative of UK underlined the importance of cohesion and trust. Turning to the situations in South Sudan, Kongo, Burma, Mali – she sent a strong message regarding the violation of the rights of minorities - “Enough in enough.”

“Inter-ethnic conflict can be prevention to welfare and prosperity. We must work together on inter-ethnic issue detection, conflict prevention activities.“ started the representative of USA. “Rights and minorities have been declared,” such an appeal on its own is suffice, but “we must make sure they are implemented and respected.”

Living in peace and harmony is the way we should follow according to the delegate of Venezuela “regardless on cultural, religious or any other difference” among us. She called countries to take special attention to their indigenous populations and to ensure their basic rights. She concluded that Venezuela “is an example of successful inter-ethnic policy and democracy.”

Aleksandra Đurđević


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